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Published Books


- This book is in response to interest shown by some schools in the values education aspect of Gary's first book "A nod and a smile".  It uses some of the poems from that book, and adds additional material, not seen before. (available - limited number).

Infinite possibilities


- these poems have an emphasis on the affairs of the heart and relationships. Meeting, getting to know you, growing together, falling out, and separation. (available - limited number)

Infinite possibilities


- another collection of poems on a variety of issues faced in life - a follow-on from Gary's first book titled "A nod and a smile" (available - limited number).

Infinite possibilities


- in this book, it is planned to tackle some of the subjects that we often put off, or place in the too hard basket.  An insight, an introspective, an opening of ourselves to all of life (available - limited number).

Infinite possibilities


- a collection of poems with an emphasis on the lighter side of life, and as always, a poem that seems out of place, yet has something to offer (available - limited number).

Infinite possibilities


- Gary's 7th book of 7 poems written on 7th day of the 7th month of 7th year of the 21st Century, talking about the various stages of life (available - limited number).

Infinite possibilities


- a collection of poems that suggest a possible path to the concept of Enlightenment.  The ideas, thoughts and concepts of what appears in the book are Gary's. They are based on his observations of life. They are not based on fact, proven or otherwise. As such, they are in essence, the ramblings of this author’s mind, and could be, totally wrong. Gary leaves it up to the reader to decide (very limited number available).

Infinite possibilities


- Life, what makes it tick? What is important to you? What do you believe are the essential principles on how you act, and how others should act? Is it possible to list and describe them? Well, that is what Gary has done. He has taken 9 principles of life that he believes are important, and has written about them.

Do you agree with his ideas? There is only one way to find out. Open this book, read a few pages, and find out for yourself. The next step is yours. What are you going to do? (very limited number available).

Infinite possibilities


- If you are looking for something obscure, deep and meaningful, full of references to higher self and God, then look elsewhere, as this book is not for you.

If you want to read some thoughts and ideas on what spirituality might be, could be, can be, then open this book. It is not complicated, and it is not confusing. It is simple, down-to-earth, and easy to read.

The words within are the thoughts and ideas of the author who offers them to you as one possibility. You are not forced to do anything, and you can freely choose to accept or reject them.

You can now choose to open this book to any poem, or put it back. The choice is yours, and either way is okay. (very limited number available).

Infinite possibilities


- “A nod and a smile” is a collection of writings of the author on his journey in life, what was experienced, what was learned, and some surprises along the way. Everyone who has the opportunity to read parts of this book, has at one time or another, nodded or smiled.

Whether it is to cheer you up, to give you another perspective, or just because you like what you read, it is hoped that you enjoy “A nod and a smile.” (very limited number available).

Infinite possibilities

The Weird, the Wonderful, the Absurd, the Ridiculous or is it?
Volume One
Volume Two

- Okay, here is a book that breaks all conventions. It is unorthodox, it is simple, it is complicated, it is bizarre, and it is all over the place. It looks at life, what it is, what it could be, and even stretches our imagination to what is not even on the radar yet.

For some people it will make sense, and for others, it will not. There is only one way to find out. Open this book to any poem and see if it makes sense to you. Either way is okay, and the author is always happy with your choice. (very limited number available).

Infinite possibilities


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