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ISBN 978-1-421465-04-8
size : 15 cm x 10.5 cm
128 pages
Published: February 2009

Infinite possibilities

Alphabetical List of Poems
A frown
A human magnet
A man on a walk
A pose for you
A stranger at the station
A stroll along a beach
A subject
A tap on her shoulder
A visit to a museum
A visual delight
About writing
An April fool
An expectation
Desert sands
Emotions of the chef
Food to enjoy
Massage and the sea
Not being right
One hand or the other
Our relationships
Somewhere anywhere
Stranger on a flight
Talking to yourself
The blinking of an eyelid
The many shades of light
The oceans of change
The price of life
What are you doing today?
What is in a book?
What is in a day?
What is in your name?
What is perfection?
What is poetry?
What is to be seen
With my thoughts
Without ink

Infinite possibilities

"Poems about Life for You" was first published in February 2009. It is 10.5 cm (4.13") wide by 14.8 cm (5.83") long, (also known as A6), and approximately 8 mm (5/16") thick. It easily fits into a purse or even a back pocket. It consists of 36 poems spread over 128 pages.

What appears below is the Introduction from the book.

Welcome to “Poems about Life for You." Thank you for choosing this book.

Why did I write this book?

My other books contained poems, which hopefully have allowed you to think and reflect on life ("A nod and a smile" and "My life Your life Our lives"). With this book, it was decided that a change of pace was desired. Therefore, the emphasis with this book is more light-hearted, easier to read, and maybe even a chuckle or two. Some people who know me, will say, it reflects my offbeat sense of humour.

In a style adopted by me, there is one poem in this book that appears totally out of place.

It is hoped that like the rest of the book, the reader will find the “change of pace” interesting and fruitful.

It is believed that value of a book depends on the mood of reader, similar to a familiar saying of “there are horses for courses”. A “lighter book” can have as much value as a “deeper, more thought-provoking book’, and ultimately, you as the reader, will make that assessment.

Now while the overall content of this book has an emphasis on the lighter side of life, there is also the opportunity for learning, reflecting on life, even appreciating that everything in life has enormous value.

This book can be read from cover to cover, or by random selection, the choice is yours.

In conclusion, the overall aim of any book that I write is to give you, the reader, hope for the future.

With this in mind, I invite you to read “Poems about Life for You”.

Gary Dodd

infinite possibilities

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infinite possibilities

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